15 March 2006

We had our first meeting

I'm not really sure what the proper "lingo" is in the knitting circle world - we met, we knitted, we talked, we shared. It was fun!

4 of us showed up - which is a great number, I hope that more can join us in the future, but it's a great start.

Everyone brought a different project to work on - it was interesting to see the different techniques, yarns, needles, etc. that everyone uses.

I knitted a (another) baby bib - add it to the long list of "baby gifts" that I'm working on!

I did bring my camera - but I didn't take any pix - next time!

The folks at Crossroads (especially Amelia) couldn't have been nicer. It's a great place to meet.

I did learn that I need to watch my caffeine intake in the evening - I was up all night (seriously).

Since the "circle" I've started working on a purse made out of Patons Pooch yarn. I don't have a pattern that is specifically tailored to the yarn - so I'm kinda fudging it - I finished the knitting part last night and "basted" it together to get an idea of the form - but I think I'm going to rip it out and start over - as thick as the Pooch is, I think I need to add a second strand (of something; haven't decided yet) of yarn to add more weight/structure. It's going to look very smart once it's all done - I have a busy weekend planned, so hopefully I'll have that to work on at the next "circle".

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