15 March 2006

We had our first meeting

I'm not really sure what the proper "lingo" is in the knitting circle world - we met, we knitted, we talked, we shared. It was fun!

4 of us showed up - which is a great number, I hope that more can join us in the future, but it's a great start.

Everyone brought a different project to work on - it was interesting to see the different techniques, yarns, needles, etc. that everyone uses.

I knitted a (another) baby bib - add it to the long list of "baby gifts" that I'm working on!

I did bring my camera - but I didn't take any pix - next time!

The folks at Crossroads (especially Amelia) couldn't have been nicer. It's a great place to meet.

I did learn that I need to watch my caffeine intake in the evening - I was up all night (seriously).

Since the "circle" I've started working on a purse made out of Patons Pooch yarn. I don't have a pattern that is specifically tailored to the yarn - so I'm kinda fudging it - I finished the knitting part last night and "basted" it together to get an idea of the form - but I think I'm going to rip it out and start over - as thick as the Pooch is, I think I need to add a second strand (of something; haven't decided yet) of yarn to add more weight/structure. It's going to look very smart once it's all done - I have a busy weekend planned, so hopefully I'll have that to work on at the next "circle".

13 March 2006

First Meeting Tonight!

Our first knitting meeting is tonight, at Crossroads Coffee Shop at 7pm. I'm very excited to meet (and re-meet) all the knitters.

I, in my infinite wisdom, finished 2 knitting projects this weekend (the knitting part, any way) - I couldn't stop myself - but I'm sure I can figure something out.

I'll be bringing my camera - so we can post project photos right away.

08 March 2006

Knitting circle at Crossroads

Monday evenings at Crossroads Coffee Shop (6156 Ridge Avenue) at 7pm - starting Monday, March 13th.

To start - everyone bring a project that they've "been meaning to finish" (or begin). Perhaps in the future we can do a charity knit or "knit along".